Monday, February 2, 2009

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

happy new year sayangg !

HEYY, happy new year & happy belated birthdayy :DDD sorry i cant celebrate yr birthday with youu... mmm well, just wanna let u know that i miss u alottttttt & i cant wait for u to come back... I WANT YOU BADLYYYYYY :( im trying really hard to tahannn. im sorry for everything.. u know what am i talking about rite? i really miss talking to u,hugging you,holding yr hand ... EVERYTHING LA HEHEHE(: k laa, thts all for now.. I LOVE YOUU!

Saturday, December 20, 2008


OLA ! hey everyonee, im dydy or should i just say im BRIAN'S GIRLFRIEND ? hehe. well, i was asked to write something here(bcs someone malas to update his blog then he asked me to write smthng here)whichh i have NO IDEA what to write about... am i sppose to write about MYSELF or YOU ,sayang?? hmmmm theres nothing much about me actually, im sure u guys have read his previous posts... so yeaaaa, like what he said im sweet(duh, sweeter than he is :P) ,funny(MAYB?) ,caring(i think soo..) ,lame ( IM NOT LAMEEEEE!) ,blur (yeaa,i agree) ,thinks she's fat when she's not(i am fat !! ),thinks she's ugly but she's not ( arghhhh !),shy (yea, im a SHY girl,sometimess) haha !
OOOKAAAY enough about me, lets talk about my so called SWEEEEETT BOYF now.. haha sorry babby! thats what u always say "im so much sweeter than you are" AAAH, WHAT F ! mmm, lets me seee... he's AMAZINGG,WONDERFUL,HANDSOME,CARING,FUNNYY (notttt !) haha, and i know i know he's a LOSERRR :P !!!! oh ya and i have to admit this he's superr sweeet and so much moree...well we've been together for almost 3 months , ITS AMAZINGG andd he's always there for me when i need himm, I LOVE YOU ALOTT SAYANGG and HOT BODY TOOOO :DDDD so, i think thats all for now. just wanna let u know that i really miss you alott ,cant wait for u to come back .. please come back a.s.a.p if u can k? ILY

Sunday, November 30, 2008


Hey guys...just came back from OBS recently...had a blast there.You guys should try it.Definately won't regret it,that's for sure =) Other than being home should be fine.Well i wasn't home sick at all...just 'dydy sick'.HAHA!!! I missed her like crazy...was complaining to Ron how badly i wanna see her.I'm gonna change my font to small cause i'm gonna write plenty of stuffs.

Well,lets start with OBS first shall we? =)

1st Day

Ron's driver drove the both of us to Lumut.Fucking far away from home....around like a 3 and a half hour ride.Most of the time slept in the car or texting baby before i go.Reached there around 2 plus.Got our luggages and we went to register our names and the good thing was Ron and I were on the same team!!! YEAY!!! Our group name's called 'Tahan'.After that,when and see our group members and instructor.Instructors name's Mukrim and my group members were really really stoned.Halfway through,just thought of making friend so know this guy named Yuva a.k.a Shemale (I gave him that name,that name made him really popular) =) Then we had to carry our luggages and walk all the way up to our dorm which is like don't know how many hundreds of steps.We did rope climbing activity which is kinda fun.And at night,the Malaysians were waiting for the Singaporean students who's joining us for the camp and all of them are GIRLS!!!When they arrived,got to know the whole group a little more.My group members(Me,Ronald,Shi Ann,Sheriin,Sukhbir,Kangar,Zoe,Sofea,Phoebe,Ni Shiee,Yuva,Dhiviya,Chuang Yi and Vik-Neesh).It was so damn awkward during dinner time la,everyone was completely stoned cause they were all shy and so that's bout it for the first day.

2nd Day

We played some games in the morning and had our photoshoot and they needed our names and gender and we had to write it in a paper and when Yuva wrote his one,i changed his gender to shemale,that''s how everyone know him...HAHA!!!Since we've done the rope climbing thing but the Singaporeans haven't,so we helped them and watched them.Later in the afternoon,went for kayaking training to get ourselves prepared for sea expedition.Paired up with phoebe and that's how the malaysians and singaporeans got close cause they paired each of the malaysians with singaporeans. =) At night,had briefing for the expedition tomorow and went back to our dorms to get some sleep.

3rd Day

We left to Pangkor around 9 i think and we had to kayak all the way to Pangkor.Its like 2 hour!!! Damn tiring!Phoebe and I kept racing with Ron and Zoe to see who's was fun though.Reached there,we cleaned up the place,and some ppl were pitching up our tent while i was busy cooking lunch for the rest with Ron.Everything was dirty there but we just had to live with it.Stoned inside the tent as it was raining and all.So we waited until dinner and the good part was we didn't have to cook,the instructors helped us.THANKS!!! At night,we started mixing around with the other team and we got really close.Didn't plan to sleep but felt tired in the end so just dozed off.

4th Day

Woke up,had breakfast and then started packing up and straight away kayaked back to Lumut.Reached back,washed the kayaks and all then gave us few hours to rest.Went back to my dorm and slept cause was really tired.When we woke up,we had trial trekking and the worst part is Mukrim didn't send anyone in there to help us and Vik-Neesh was a really stubborn guy.He kept on saying that this way is correct and that way's correct and bla bla bla...and it turned out to be everyway that i pointed out was correct...not him.Got stucked inside for an hour till i brought them out...real lifesaver i guess??? Lol =p Well everyone hated him from that day onwards...poor guy.Came back and had dinner,after that,we played truth or dare.There was this bitch named Caroline with a weird looking face which im good at immitating at,and i got dared to immitate her face infront of her and say 'hi,i'm Caroline'.SUPERRR FUNNYYY!!!We had briefing on land expedition after that.They gave us a haversack bag to put our clothes and foods and we had to carry them along...SUPERRR HEAVY!!!Went to ZZZzzz after packing.
5th Day

Woke up late today cause we were really tired after kayaking,got lectured a little bit since we went down late.Then we had breakfast and packed our lunch for later.Went for rock climbing and i mean like real ROCKS!!! Not those that u find in 1 utama or anything,it was really high and damn alot of ppl got hurt.Not to be boastful or anything but for some reason...Ron and I did it really fast!!! Lol.Had our packed lunch after rock climbing and we kept making fun of Yuva and he's shemale name and all of a sudden...he stoned for like 2 hours...not talking at all.Just looking at ppl like he wants to kill us.Damn scary.After lunch,walked to our campsite which is sooooooooooooooo far away.Was walking inside the jungle for at least 2 hours.Came out from the jungle then we had a break,was all sweaty and Sukhbir had this prickly heat powder thing that makes ur body cooling,SUPER EFFECTIVE!!!Continued walking but we're walking on the roadside need to see so many green the everything done...and Mukrim was so so nice...cooked us an AWESOMEEE dinner!!! It was raining at night so everyone was inside their tents and I slept with Zoe,Phoebe and Sofea since Zoe has a sleeping bag and her tent was cleaner than mine.Pity Ron and Yuva,they had to share one wet and dirty tent for the both of them...poor thing =(

6th Day

Woke up really late and the two other teams were packing and cooking their breakfast already and all we did was....NOTHING!!! I had to cook maggi mee for the guys while they were packing the tents and all and the other team had left already...we were last =/ After that,we had to go for an 6 hour jungle trekking!!! Like WTH???!!! And that's not the worst part,the worst part was no one had water at all and we were all really thirsty.We finished the trekking earlier than expected cause we didn't rest really much.Normally ppl take 6 hours but ours was like 4 hours...and we had to climb 4 FREAKING PEAKS!!!The others had to climb only one.So unfair =( When we were almost reaching OBS...we all ran like some crazy monkey cause we were all desperate for water...feel refreshed after a tiring walk...oh and i forgotten to mention...Ron cut himself with a parang while clumsy la you =p Then had some time off after we washed all the tentsheets.We got all dirty cause we started throwing our remaining pack lunch at each other(which is bread with tuna and ikan bilis) and we all smelled like food...especially shemale =) We took a clean shower since all of us didn't shower for a day...then rest and went down for dinner.Had briefing bout solo camp after dinner.Then just packed our stuff and me,JC,Ron and Yuva were talking bout movies...and next thing i know...i was asleep already.

7th Day

SOLO CAMP!!! Everyone was scared bout this expedition cause u have to be alone in the jungle for a night buttt....mostly everyone broke the rules.We were given our food rations and we went to take our breakfast before leaving.Did our final preparation and we left.Mukrim put me in this really small area and i can't even sleep properly cause its a slope...damn him =/ But during lunch time,chuang yi came and call us to his campsite and we saw lots of ppl there having a picnic and they offered us foods and drinks and we took 3 big bottles of soft drinks and sausages.We didn't have to cook our lunch at all,got allof us really full.I called baby using one of the persons phone but baby didn't pick up =/ an hour later,Zoe shouted from below saying that she called the guys handphone...and i rushed down all the way just to talk to her,i miss her so so much,was really love sick.Glad that i could talk to her even it was only a few minutes.Then Kangar was scared in the night and i teman her throughout the night.Didn't even get to sleep at all.

8th Day
All the expeditions are over...YEAY!!! I went and wake everybody up and we started packing and left the place to meet up with Mukrim.Then we all walked back to OBS and me,Ron,Shemale,Zoe and Phoebe were really behind and we started playing around on the roadside...laughing our asses off and eating milo powder...really had a great time walking back.Reached back to OBS,cleaned everything and i went back up to the dorm right away to get a shower,was really dirty.YUCK!!!Hanged out with Faith,JC,Vic and the other guys from Team Ledang.Afterwards,had to do some community service thing.Nth much bout that.Well Zoe was crying cause everyone was making fun of her...sorry la...then when the orphans left.During the night,had to learn a few OBS song for BBQ night and we just went back to our dorm and got some really good sleep.

9th Day

We went to Pangkor Island for cultural visit and we finally went to a kopitiam and had good foof after 8 days of sucky food.We went to this temple and we enjoyed fried ice-cream and it was really delicious.Vic gave me a massage cause my shoulder really hurt and it helped alot.Then we went to this satay factory and temaned Faith to get some stuff for her mum.Played with Vic inside the store too.After the visit,we went back to OBS.Then we hanged out at the royal square and Yuva saw ppl playing football so we joined in.Got prepared for BBQ night.Me and Ron kinda overdressed but who gives a dinner and it was a great night.Each team had to perform on stage and i guess ours was not too bad...hehe.After everything finished...we all went back to our dorms and we called Vic and Faith to hang out with us.JC brought up the idea of us playing strip black jack...was really fun cause everyone was stripped.Ron and JC got stripped till their underwear and Vic and Faith was stripped till their bra and panties...i was the only one who kept winning and didn't have to strip at all.I rock in black jack. =) After that,we started putting colgate on the boys inside the was HILARIOUS!!! We were all chit-chatting and i was the first one who slept off.

10th Day
When i woke up the next morning,and the first thing i realized was that i had colgate on my hair and Yuva was the one who did it.Everyone was like 'WTF,i got colgate on me'.Damn funny,i couldn't stop laughing...well after packing all my clothes and putting them into the luggage.I went down and gathered with everyone and we had the closing ceremony and we signed t-shirts and photos for ppl.Then the Singaporeans went back Zoe,Faith and a few others cried...gonna miss them.Gonna miss SBJ the most!!!OBS IS DA BOMB!!!

OBS!!! =)

After rock climbing

Having some time off



BBQ Night

Blur picture


JC,Faith,Me,Mel and Ron

Me & Mel

Faith & I

Munch munch munch

Everybody's enjoying themselves =)

Last Day

The 6 of us and Fazlina
(Zoe,Ron,Shemale,Me,Phoebe and Sofea)

Well that's it for this post,its a really long one,hope you guys enjoy reading.BYE!!! SBJ ROCKS!!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

10 days without you...

OBS (Outward Bound School)!!! Looking forward to it but also don't feel like going at the same time...not being able to see you for 10 days,not being able to call wish u good morning and good night,won't be able to tell you that i love you...i'm gonna miss you so much baby!!!

Went out to Curve with baby today,at least i get to see her before leaving tomorow...was with her sisters...had loads of fun.Watched 'The Coffin'.Not really scary but baby kept closing her eyes cause she's scared of all the ghost her a guess bag,hope she likes it cause she wanted this really striking green guess bag but when i went there today,it wasn't on display anymore so chosed something that looks like it.Hope u'll love it baby.

Just finished packing stuff for OBS,4 hours ride to Lumut tomorow.Wonder wat'll be doing inside the car with Ron...probably sleeping i guess??? lol

That's all ppl...will update when i come back from OBS...bye!!! I'm gonna miss u lots baby....


I'm gonna miss you so so much sayang...i'll always be yours!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

It's all about you...


Sorry i didn't update my blog fellas...been going through lots of stuff lately.Lets see...hmm...oh yea...i got suspended from school for skipping school.4 days of suspension =/ Well it couldn't get worst cause my phone line got cut cause phone bill was too high and all.Then on weekends went to Bangsar to help out with my sister.Well the best part was that baby came to see me...not to be 'perasan' or anything...i know you missed me rite baby?=p She came with Ieka and all of a sudden they started camwhoring and baby deleted most of the pictures we took cause she said she looked FAT!!!Obviously she's not fat at all and she's so damn skinny =) Well u guys probably won't understand this cause only baby knows wat this means (Nak gaduh ke???) =p

Well went back to school today and it was kinda boring...oh baby tought me how to play speed....kinda fun game though...tht's all for today...will update soon...ciao


Monday, November 3, 2008

I didn't mean to baby...

I'm so sorry for what has happened baby.I didn't mean to start up the fight with you,and right now,i'm feeling so awful.Eventhough you say that you're alright already but i know that u may still be a little mad at me.It hurts me so badly just by seeing you being upset and all.I never want this to happen and i won't start things up again cause i love u so much and i can't bear to see you get hurt by me.No matter what happpens,you'll always be my baby.