Sunday, August 31, 2008


Tain,me and Tho

At last i get to spend time with the 2nd family.It was Nicholas and Yusof's birthday so we went to T.G.I.F at Curve to celebrate on Friday.Met up with Tho and Tain at Sakae Sushi.Ming Da join in later.Talk talk talk cock for awhile.Then we jus went to Cineleisure and foos a little.

It was a really great day for me cause at least i could get my mind off u for awhile and meet my best friends =) But,as everyone knows,ur still in my heart.Oh btw,HAPPY MERDEKA!!!

Monday, August 25, 2008


This life is really so empty,because ur not there to live through it with me.You have stolen my heart.I dunno when will i get it back.All the sorrow that i'm having,i dun think i deserve this.All the love that i gave you.Its totally empty.Oh how i wish i could have u back in my life.I wanna c u so badly but at times i say to myself...wats the point when its all over.I miss u so so much...moreover,i love u so much more.I'm always thinking that wat i've done wrong? Did i not gave u enough love? U didn't even have the guts of telling me on the phone or in person.I feel like crying so badly,but the tears just won't come out cause i am still waiting for a hope to come by.Eventhough its a small hope...i'll still wait.

This is how important u still are in my life.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

This pain...

I can't handle this anymore,this pain that i'm suffering.I couldn't belive that u did this to me.A promise that u broke,U've just crushed a heart into pieces.I dunno wat i'm suppose to do now.I really need u in my life,but now ur gone.It feels like my life's over.

I'll do whatever it takes to get u back but i dun think u wish for that to happen.U didn't even give me a proper explanation why u did this but i guess i'll just have to suffer rite now.U were the most important thing in my life,being so stupid thinking that we'll be together forever.Guess i was wrong.

If there was a wish that i could get,that wish is to jus have u back.I still love you lots...

Monday, August 11, 2008

This week is...HELL!!!

Haiz..exams started already and i think i started off badly.BM was fine,simply did Chinese and didn't do Econs really well.Die la die la T.T I dun feel like studying now,feel like sleeping but dun wanna waste my time on the bed.Guess i'll jus stone infront of the computer la.Ciao =)

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Happy 3rd month anniversary Mira.This 3 months with you was nth more that i could ask for,it was the bestest time of my life.U are everything to me.I don't know wat i'll do without you.I love u so so much Mira =)

Monday, August 4, 2008

Hell is waiting for me...

Hello readers,guess what??? I am officially DEAD!!! School was fine today,after school had swimming training but couldn't make it.You noe why? Because the recepsionist looked for me and said that the vice principal wants to c me.I was like:R u sureeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee???

Went to the office and i saw my MUM AND MY SISTER!!! WTH are they doing here??!! Went in to her room and she was talking bout me being blacklisted in school.Now everyday,i have to go to her office after school to show her wat i have done in school.Plus...stay back every friday for DETENTION!!! Die la die la T.T

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Weekend's not really amazing...

Hello ppl who are reading this blog =) This weekend was really boring.Starting from saturday,went out with sis and her boyfriend for lunch and all of a sudden,we had an idea of going to the fish spa near Solaris.It was fun but super ticklish.Some woman went in for the full body fish spa and she made the whole place filled with her scream,noisy la.

Well for today,woke up pretty late so i missed breakfast.Went to Jarrod and Rawlins for lunch and the food there was so so only la.Came back home and stoned till 5 to go and play football with TK and Simba,and now,here i am posting today's blog =)

Friday, August 1, 2008

Lucky me...

Thank god my mum didn't come to skewl to c my principal today...i guess she was too excited to get her new car =p.Plus...the stupid vice principal wants to take over the place of the principal...if it happens..DOOM TO THE WHOLE SCHOOL!!!

Other than that...Jason wants me to tell all u readers out there to wish him rest in peace (R.I.P) cause when he goes back home,he's gonna get killed by his family.Best of luck Jason...and don't do anything stupid...if there's anything to help jus let me noe. =)