Saturday, December 20, 2008


OLA ! hey everyonee, im dydy or should i just say im BRIAN'S GIRLFRIEND ? hehe. well, i was asked to write something here(bcs someone malas to update his blog then he asked me to write smthng here)whichh i have NO IDEA what to write about... am i sppose to write about MYSELF or YOU ,sayang?? hmmmm theres nothing much about me actually, im sure u guys have read his previous posts... so yeaaaa, like what he said im sweet(duh, sweeter than he is :P) ,funny(MAYB?) ,caring(i think soo..) ,lame ( IM NOT LAMEEEEE!) ,blur (yeaa,i agree) ,thinks she's fat when she's not(i am fat !! ),thinks she's ugly but she's not ( arghhhh !),shy (yea, im a SHY girl,sometimess) haha !
OOOKAAAY enough about me, lets talk about my so called SWEEEEETT BOYF now.. haha sorry babby! thats what u always say "im so much sweeter than you are" AAAH, WHAT F ! mmm, lets me seee... he's AMAZINGG,WONDERFUL,HANDSOME,CARING,FUNNYY (notttt !) haha, and i know i know he's a LOSERRR :P !!!! oh ya and i have to admit this he's superr sweeet and so much moree...well we've been together for almost 3 months , ITS AMAZINGG andd he's always there for me when i need himm, I LOVE YOU ALOTT SAYANGG and HOT BODY TOOOO :DDDD so, i think thats all for now. just wanna let u know that i really miss you alott ,cant wait for u to come back .. please come back a.s.a.p if u can k? ILY

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