Thursday, July 31, 2008

Teacher sucks...

Today's a really really bad day.First of all,had to take care of Jason cause he did smth that ppl shouldn't do...well no matter wat,i'll be there for you bro =) Other than that,the worst part was that the discipline teacher caught me and Desmond pontenging class...KANTOI!!!

He brought me and Desmond to the office rite away and stupid Desmond used a lame excuse saying that he was sick and i got all the blame...WTF!!!They called my mum and she'll be going to school to c my teachers tomorrow,i hope i won't die...God,SAVE ME!!! =(

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Just a normal day...

Hey guys...CHELSEA WON!!! Well even they only scored 2 goals it was still a nice game though,the atmosphere was great. =) Came back and landed on the bed rite away...really tired.

School was normal as usual,kept on playing with Jason's i-phone,damn nice to play with.After that me,Nicholas and Rhys pontenged and we went into the music room and we were wondering y was the place so wet...and guess what??? Some little kid was inside and he shitted on the floor.WTH??!! Plus Rhys actually said that it smelled good,haha.Rhys...i think u should get yourself a nose check-up,lol.Well that's it for today guys,really lazy to type la...ciao =)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Chelsea VS Malaysia

Yo ppl...can't wait to c Malaysia get trashed by Chelsea later...damn excited =) Wondering how many goals there'll be.Eventhough i'm not a chelsea supporter but its wonderful to c a top club coming over to Malaysia for a pre season.Other than that,school was ok...jus the fact that Jason kena kantoi and i almost kena also...thank god nth happened to

Its quiet amazing that me and Jason didn't skip any classes today except for BM,really proud of ourselves =p Btw Dauz,i'm sorry bout wat i did...shouldn't have tell anyone...sorry la,don't be so angry k? =)

Today's post is gonna be short cause i'm rushing to go and watch the match.G2g now...ciao folks =)

Monday, July 28, 2008

Boring boring boring...

It's 6.19 now and all i'm doing is blogging.Could've done smth else but mum wouldn't let me out of the house =( Wat to life's like that .School was fine today,Jason didn't i didn't ponteng any classes at all =p

Other than that had football during the last period and it was fun =) Played well with Yusof and Asyraf today,swimming training was cancelled so i was stuck in school with Razim till 5.Jason...u better come to school tomorrow la,damn sien la in school when ur not here,cannot do anything =p

Anyways,i'll be stuck at home the whole time now,jus waiting to go to school tomorrow...ciaoz! (Well i guess u noe that my life's really boring huh?)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Maybe there's a change of plans...

I don't noe if i should stop smoking or not,its gonna be really hard if i want to...but if i don't want to stop,i have to be sneaky from my parents again...i dunno wat to do =/ Stress stress stress...well i guess i have to think about it first.Hope i'll make the right choice.I feel like going back to it again...but i also dun feel like doing hard to choose...maybe i should jus try and reduce first...i guess we'll wait and c then.Ciaoz =)

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Never leaving you all behind...

Ooi Shih Onn,dun simply say that i'm ditching u la.I'm not like that la bro. =p Jus thought of stopping cause i dun wanna let my parents down,and obviously i wanna meet up with you guys.I'm not choosing my girlfriend over you guys la.Dun simply say smoking only ma,it's not like i stopped hanging out with u guys oso,so chill bro. =)

I jus want school to come quick,dun wanna be stuck at home getting nagged and nagged and nagged.Mum just came back from Hong Kong,hope she got me smth nice =) School is like the only place that i can have freedom rite now...while home seems to be like a prison,can't break out from it though =(

All i have to do now is try to get myself occupied and wait till monday...HURRY PLS!!!

Friday, July 25, 2008


Well guess wat ppl? I've been smoking for a year now...and i think its time for me to stop already.Not to be boastful,i'm really athletic in my sports,and by doing this kinda affects me really really much.So i guess its time for me to stop rite now,i noe that its going to be hard but this is for my future and i don't wanna let my parents down.Mira dosen't even like me doing i'll be stopping for myself and also for them.

Enough about that,today was really boring again,Jason and were being chased by the guard again...i think we're going to be chased around for the entire after skewl,had lunch with dad and bro and then went to office to stone for awhile and jus went back home.I'm telling you,my life is really really boring,same routine everyday.Well i'm off to visit my grandparents now,bye =)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Getaway...

Sup fellas,today nth much happened though...well there is smth,our futsal team was playing getaway from the security guard who wanted to confiscate our ball cause we were playing at the hall.That stupid guy is just a security guard and now he's acting like he owns the school.WTF!!!

So all we did was jus passed the ball around and the guard was totally pissed off,and all of us jus ran out from the hall and started bitching bout him...hahaha!

Well other than that school was fine,it was jus another ordinary boring day.After school,went to KLIA to get my dad,and now im home blogging =)

Went to Mira's hse in the middle of the night last night and we really had a great time =) Ur the best Mira.I love you lots <3

I guess that's it for today,will update tomorrow...ciaoz ppl =D

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Life...

Hey fellas,i thought blogging was boring at first,but thanks to jason...had to blog jus for the fun of it =)

My life is so much different from the rest of u ppl out there.Parents are really overprotective so i'm unable to spend time with my frens.Well the only time i can hang out with them is either in school,an ocassion or jus sneaking out in the middle of the night =p

To be honest,i'm not happy with my family at all,we will be arguing all the time...and i mean ALL THE TIME!!! Even if its a really small'll end up as a really huge thing.Brother and sisters age gap is far behing by alot so can't talk to them bout stuff much...jus keep everything to myself.Don't even noe how am i still possible living through this life...

But the good thing is,there is a someone who is always there for me...MIRA<3 We've been together for about 3 months already,and this 3 months has been the best time of my life.To tell u the truth,i would die for her if i had to...i noe u'll think that i'm saying this jus to sound sweet but i really mean wat i say.This is how much she means to me. I LOVE YOU MIRA!!! =)

Other than Mira,there is also a certain ppl who is important in my life.They are The Second Family.U all noe who u are.Eventhough we've always been doing bad stuffs that i dun wanna mention about...but we care for each other and help us in anyway that we can...that's y we're The Second Family =)

Well today was really boring.Jus lepaked with jason,played futsal and pontenging class =p Let's jus hope that somth interesting will come tomorrow.Tht's it for now.Ciao folks =)