Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Life...

Hey fellas,i thought blogging was boring at first,but thanks to jason...had to blog jus for the fun of it =)

My life is so much different from the rest of u ppl out there.Parents are really overprotective so i'm unable to spend time with my frens.Well the only time i can hang out with them is either in school,an ocassion or jus sneaking out in the middle of the night =p

To be honest,i'm not happy with my family at all,we will be arguing all the time...and i mean ALL THE TIME!!! Even if its a really small'll end up as a really huge thing.Brother and sisters age gap is far behing by alot so can't talk to them bout stuff much...jus keep everything to myself.Don't even noe how am i still possible living through this life...

But the good thing is,there is a someone who is always there for me...MIRA<3 We've been together for about 3 months already,and this 3 months has been the best time of my life.To tell u the truth,i would die for her if i had to...i noe u'll think that i'm saying this jus to sound sweet but i really mean wat i say.This is how much she means to me. I LOVE YOU MIRA!!! =)

Other than Mira,there is also a certain ppl who is important in my life.They are The Second Family.U all noe who u are.Eventhough we've always been doing bad stuffs that i dun wanna mention about...but we care for each other and help us in anyway that we can...that's y we're The Second Family =)

Well today was really boring.Jus lepaked with jason,played futsal and pontenging class =p Let's jus hope that somth interesting will come tomorrow.Tht's it for now.Ciao folks =)

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