Friday, July 25, 2008


Well guess wat ppl? I've been smoking for a year now...and i think its time for me to stop already.Not to be boastful,i'm really athletic in my sports,and by doing this kinda affects me really really much.So i guess its time for me to stop rite now,i noe that its going to be hard but this is for my future and i don't wanna let my parents down.Mira dosen't even like me doing i'll be stopping for myself and also for them.

Enough about that,today was really boring again,Jason and were being chased by the guard again...i think we're going to be chased around for the entire after skewl,had lunch with dad and bro and then went to office to stone for awhile and jus went back home.I'm telling you,my life is really really boring,same routine everyday.Well i'm off to visit my grandparents now,bye =)


Etain said...

hohoho, brian! :D found you! link me up yeaaa (: hope you're orrite, x.

shih said...

Are you fking serious you're gonna stop bro? wth weihh. well your choice. but bro seems like you're almost like dumping us for your gf weihh. why? dont like us d isit?