Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Getaway...

Sup fellas,today nth much happened though...well there is smth,our futsal team was playing getaway from the security guard who wanted to confiscate our ball cause we were playing at the hall.That stupid guy is just a security guard and now he's acting like he owns the school.WTF!!!

So all we did was jus passed the ball around and the guard was totally pissed off,and all of us jus ran out from the hall and started bitching bout him...hahaha!

Well other than that school was fine,it was jus another ordinary boring day.After school,went to KLIA to get my dad,and now im home blogging =)

Went to Mira's hse in the middle of the night last night and we really had a great time =) Ur the best Mira.I love you lots <3

I guess that's it for today,will update tomorrow...ciaoz ppl =D

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